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- Arduino-based TME Educational Board
- Arduino-based TME Educational Board
Arduino-based TME Educational Board
Arduino is the favorite electronics learning and prototyping platform, thanks to its ease-of-use open source hardware and software. Arduino has marked its presence science, technology, innovation, engineering, chemistry, physics, mathematics, logical thinking, Internet of Things, music, arts, and creative expression science. It is the pathway to a career in the 21st century for the quality education passengers. Arduino Uno is the best documented and widely supported amongst Arduino boards. We've taken the popular Arduino Uno board and turned it into an educational kit. It was the TME ARD EDU KIT REV1. The educational kit is a custom-made Arduino based shield designed by TME Education. Its purpose is to make education easy and fun, so a user can learn microcontroller programming as fast as possible. The kit has been tailored primarily for three groups of users.
Ideal tool for university and vocational school students learning about electronics, mechatronics, mechanics, automation and industrial engineering. The kit’s functionalities give students the ability to think outside of the box and take up challenges, to turn their ideas into reality, and to solve real-world problems.
For professors and educators who teach STEM, and online teachers, so all of them can demonstrate engineering concepts in real life to their students. The kit is an ideal practical resource and provides state-of-the-art technology solutions to explain all complicated mathematical equations and physics “mysteries”.
Makers, electronics enthusiasts and hobbyists with an engineering background who are interested in building robots. A wide range of components and features of the kit allows the user to create innovative designs. Yet, one can venture out to more complex projects with a 3D printer or machine learning algorithm.
Nevertheless, the kit is friendly enough for beginners and newcomers, who do not have electronics background or any knowledge concerning microcontroller programming. Thanks to the ready-to-use design, the kit is well catered to all level of experience, a user does not need to have soldering skills to arrange components and wires into a circuit. The kit contains a collection of the most popular electronic components and sensors already soldered onto the board. That enables quick, easy and efficient learning. Programming skills are gained while making useful and fun projects.
TME ARD EDU KIT rev1. is our most beloved educational kit. It is also a favorite kit of the students in the schools we cooperate with. That is why, when the time came for an upgrade, we decided to base the redesign on the feedback we gathered. Suggestions, needs, and ideas of bright youngsters who attended our workshops inspired us to add extra functionalities and components. TME ARD EDU KIT rev2. is the result of what we mean by fruitful cooperation with creative students!
TME ARD EDU KIT rev2. contains the same components as in the first edition:
- Arduino UNO
- Switches
- Potentiometer
- Temperature sensor
- Light sensor
- Buzzer
- Bluetooth module
- LEDs
- LCD display
And adds some new elements into the mix:
- Programmable RGB LEDs
- OLED display
- Microphone
- 7-segment display
- IR receiver
The kit is spiced up with five addressable LEDs to teach how to program the latest generation of LEDs matrixes. They add some fun to the kit with light animations of up to 16 million colors. Furthermore, TME ARD EDU KIT rev2. is accompanied by step-by-step online guidance lectures illustrated with examples and sketches from Arduino IDE software. The kit can be also used as shown in our series of short videos which demonstrate both simple and advanced projects. This way we support and encourage a user to learn everything (and more!) about Arduino programming. The kit is versatile, it can be used to teach/learn programming, as a base of a standalone project or as an assembling part of a bigger device. The kit is designed to be stackable. That allows users to connect another shield to the kit in order to increase its functionalities, i.g. one can attach a motor driver shield to the kit and (with the aid of the IR sensor provided on the PCB) turn the board into a remotely controlled car. We see the new version of the educational kit as a gateway to Android and IoT device programming. That’s why TME Education team is currently developing the first official TME ARD EDU Kit Android App. Complete with examples to allow users to control each component on the kit using his/her smartphone, via the Bluetooth module (included). Arduino code for the Android App will be available on our website as an open source, to be shared, developed and enhanced by everyone who wishes to contribute.
Arduino-based TME Edu Kit rev2.